Our laboratories members
The Carnot Énergies du futur institute gathers 10 academic laboratories and 4 research departments of CEA-Liten.
G2Elab: Grenoble Electrical Engineering LaboratoryG2Elab covers a wide range of expertise in the field of Electrical Engineering. Its activities are focusing on many fields such as: electrical energy, materials for energy, innovative processes and systems, modeling and design methods, softwares. |
Gael - Energy AxisThe research activities of Gael-Energy Axis covers three topics: international energy markets and access to energy resources, economic analysis of climate and energy policies, industrial organisation and liberalisation of network industries (gas and electricity) and new low-carbon technology systems (smart networks). |
G-SCOP: sciences for production, conception and optimisationThe laboratory meets the scientific challenges imposed by the oigoing changes within the industrial world. The scope of the laboratory goes from the products conception to the production systems management and is based on strong skills in optimisation. |
Néel InstituteThe Néel institute is a laboratory for fundamental research in condensed physical matter, enriched by interdisciplinary activities at the interfaces with chemistry, engineering and biology. The institute explores a vast field of science: superconductivity, quantum fluids, new materials...
LEPMI: laboratory of electrochemistry and materials physical-chemistryThe LEPMI gathers a wide range of skills in the field of electrochemistry, focusing on production and electrochemical storage of energy by combining these with process engineering. The activities of this laboratory focus on energy, environment and micro-nanosciences. |
LEGI: laboratory of Geophysical and Industrial FlowsResearch activities in Fluid Mechanics and transfer conducted at LEGI combine modeling, testing and the development of innovative measuring instruments. These activities are related to various fields of application within environmental as well as industrial issues. |
LMGP: Materials and Physical Engineering LaboratoryThe LMGP is a research laboratory in materials science and materials for biomedical engineering. |
LOCIE: Laboratory for Optimisation Conception and Environment EngineeringThe LOCIE research activities focus on building's energy efficiency and its environment. It develops innovative systems for production, transport and storage of energy and focus on the building' sustainability. |
LPSC: Laboratory of Subatomic Physics & CosmologyFundamental research is the driving force of LPSC. The laboratory is also involved in applicated axis such as studies on innovative nuclear reactors, technics for cancer treatments and plasmas physics. |
SIMaP: Science, engineering, Materials and Process laboratoryResearch activities of SIMaP are based on chemistry, physics, mechanical properties of materials and fluids and thermic work on the conception of processes and synthesis of materials. SIMaP is one of the leading laboratories for physical mettalurgy and thermodynamics as well as architectural materials. |
CEA-Liten: The Laboratory for Technological Innovation for Renewable Energy and NanomaterialsLiten institute is a driving force behind the development of sustainable energy technologies of the future. The institute focus on three key areas: renewable energy, energy efficiency/storage and development of materials. |